Money, money, money but only in words, always rich only in pretense, likes on Instagram, ‘I love what you do’… And then what? The disconnect between the perceived and the reality has become unbridgeable: what little is left of fashion lives in a bubble that has nothing to do with real life, clothes (be they fast fashion or luxury) no longer interest anyone. From the fact that we are making a happy epic effort to keep our brand alive comes the thought of ‘pearls to swine’ and its aesthetic translation has inevitably been RICH. Considering that the richest 10% of the global population owns 76% of all the world’s wealth there is EVIDENTLY something that is not working. Irony has always been the weapon we use to express our disappointment, so…. the Milanese ‘sciure’ and ‘bauscia’, the Birkin bag printed and drawn on bags and garments, the Chanel jacket made with spray paint, fake Hermes scarves on the head or shoulders or even transformed in garments,, the deconstruction of the beige cardigan, gift-box festoons and bows that are so much ‘Prada concept’, fool’s gold all over the place, to get to the finale where the dress is erased with nearby five hundred tags of other brands: after all, what is really important?
The color palette is inspired by ‘Quality Street’, the traditional English grandmothers’ chocolates, and the construction techniques are the real link with the previous collections: knots, patchwork garments held together by industrial bands and the continuous experimentation with different dyeing techniques. We collaborated with Dr. Martens again this season, customising their deadstock, turning ‘streetwear’ shoes into our version of the Chanel ballet flats. Guiding us in our approach to assembling this collection were Miuccia Prada, Yves Saint Laurent, but above all and most of all Franco Moschino, the first two unrivalled heroes of the bourgeoisie and the third of its mockery.
“ALWAYS RICH ONLY IN PRETENSE!” (Cit. Riccardo Slavik)
Simone and Filippo
This collection is dedicated to everyone who struggles to survive (in fashion but even more in life), to the poor and to Oliviero Toscani.
Thanks to: Fluido Studio, Weave Studio, Garage Showroom, Maximilian Linz Public Relations, Jacopo ‘Emily’ Mezzadri, Melanie Meris, Andrea Boschetti, Nicholas Pizzo, Zighy Stardust, Aria Princigalli, Susi Foschi, Gabriella Calvi Parisetti, Dr. Martens, Hub Communication Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana for the presence in the official calendar and all the Cracker Crew, without whom…
The brand Simon Cracker is a project by Filippo L.M. Biraghi and Simone Botte, where “Crack” is the sound of something that gets broken and it’s the starting point of it all: breaking something that already exists in order to give it a new life.
The brand was born in 2010 from an idea of Simone Botte, art director, stylist and fabrics and printings researcher, as an upcycling clothing line, giving a second chance to ‘forgotten’ garments, deadstock fabrics and everything discarded by other people
In 2020 Filippo L.M. Biraghi, editor, buyer and fashion culture lecturer joins in and the brand goes mainstream, entering Who is On Next? competition, joining Altaroma and being in the Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana official calendar since 2021. We approach fashion from a divergent point of view, we like individualizes and not sterotypes, our values are linked to the lack of tools that stimulates creativity, we want to give back to clothes a value that is not just related to their price but more to the stories they tell. Choosing upcycling is not an aesthetic or trendy choice, but an ethical one. Through this technique our narration changes season by season. Our garments have on season or gender.
Some of the brands that have collaborated with us: Kappa, Ninja Turtles, Bivio, Ragged Kingdom by Jamie Reid, Laboratorio Riciclo Pelle, Ansia, Gaia Segattini Knotwear, DaQuy, Thecomplainers.
Ph Credits: Veronica Ferri
Credits: © Courtesy of MAXIMILIAN LINZ
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