Sarah Engelland stars as an eccentric, imaginative and mischievous character inspired by Audrey Tautou in “Amélie”, the romantic French comedy of film Director Jean-Pierre Jeunet. Photographed by Benjamin Kanarek for SCMP Post Magazine.
Sarah walks in the footsteps of her heroine along the Montmartre village of Abbesses and Lepic, in Paris, wearing Haute Couture pieces from Fall-Intern 2016-2017 season.
Starting at Pépone fish market in Guo Pei, she takes a ride on the Carrousel at Place des Abbesses in Valentino. She bumps into the cute and charming Little Miss Macheto in front of the Hotel Basss, where she recites a couple of nursery rhymes, then brings her laundry to the Lavomatic Burq in Maison Margiela.
Picks up her dry cleaning wearing Chanel then heads over to Epicerie du Terroir a traditional French food shop wearing Dior, then back to her evening shift at Le Café des 2 Moulins. After work and before heading home, she picks up some fruit at the G20 grocery store. There is never a dull moment in the day of the life of our Amélie.
Credits: © Courtesy of Benjamin Kanarek @
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