Evoking a magical mood of nostalgia, Rami Al Ali dreams up a collection that speaks to his Syrian heritage. For his Spring/Summer 2021 Couture Collection, Al Ali reflects on the magical allure of an evening in Damascus. Exhibiting a total of eighteen looks, all beautifully allied to illustrate his vision for the season.
“I’m not quite sure if it’s a fantasy orchestrated by my imagination, or an echo of an old childhood memory, but it always comes back to me so strong, so real, so vivid and very nostalgic.” Rami Al Ali recounts. “A Damascene evening, to me, consists of a cool breeze wafting with a sweet Jasmine aroma. Calming whispers behind the rosewood mashrabias, muddled with the gurgle of the courtyard fountain and the shadows created by the full moon, like a serene sanctuary – so soulful and peaceful.”
The lineup details a refined palette of warm beige, champagne and blush hues interspersed with moody shades of black. Al Ali tactfully manipulates silhouettes by skillfully casting shadows against the body through strong opaque fabrics –cut to enhance architectural lines. Glistening sequins, crystal beads and liquid satin fabrics bring the collection to life, reflecting light with every movement.
The collection depicts voluminous ball gowns, sleek floor-gazing dresses and daring jumpsuits crafted with elaborate handwork. Others played up exaggerated architectural forms —over scale ruffles, statement hoods, and abstract bows. Classic couture fabrics including satin and silk have been chosen — and amplified into the extravagant volumes and dimensions that characterize Al Ali’s recent couture collections.
Credits: © Courtesy of StationService PR
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