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Quintin and Ron for L’Officiel Russia with Daniela Freitas

Photographers Quintin and Ron transport us back to the mesmerizing era of Studio 54 with an editorial featured in L’Officiel Russia’s June 2023 issue. Brazilian beauty Daniela Freitas graces the pages of this editorial titled “If Looks Could Kill”.

Quintin and Ron for L'Officiel Russia with Daniela FreitasQuintin and Ron for L'Officiel Russia with Daniela FreitasQuintin and Ron for L'Officiel Russia with Daniela FreitasQuintin and Ron for L'Officiel Russia with Daniela Freitas

Print Issue 10 Page Spread | No. 194 | June 2023

Photographers: Quintin Perez And Ron Erick Odchigue @quintinandron
Model: Daniela Freitas @iamdanielafreitas
Style: Manuel Mendez @itsamanuworld
Make-up: Eric Vosburg @ericvosburg
Hair: Lurissa Ingrid @lurissaingridhair
Nails: Suu Young @thenaildripgoddess
Photo Retoucher: @yunabone @reo985
Studio: Maps Studio @maps_nyc
Wearing @belkolavasquez @dazzlejewelandco @lbv.ofcl @theconfessionalswroomnyc

Season: S/S 2023
Makeup Brands Dior, Chanel, Charlotte Tillbury, Tom Ford, Givenchy, Hermes, Valentino, Armani
Designers LBV, Dazzle And Jewel Co, Haleia, Sultry Affair, Belkola Vazquez, Rashida Gurl, 

Production Date: February 2023
Release Date: June 2023

Credits: © Courtesy of Quintin + Ron

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Rosalba Radica

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