As the holiday season approaches, enchanting the young and young at heart alike, Baby Dior presents a series of pieces that revisit the House’s essentials, in a decor sublimated by fairy-tale designs inspired by Luminaries – brightly colored Italian luminous architectures.
The Miss B ballerinas are clad in gold, while white T-shirts, a sailor’s shirt and a sweatshirt are adorned with the iconic “CD” logo, the signature of Christian Dior Atelier – recalling the men’s line designed by Kim Jones – and the must-have Dior Oblique code.
That two-tone motif appears on a backpack, a messenger bag, and a bob hat, as well as on the B23 sneakers. Emblems of Dior style, joyfully reinvented.
Credits: © Courtesy of Christian Dior Couture
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